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ID Globale: #LB726144312
Creato: Ven, Mar 14 2014
Numero visite: 2738

Scaffalatura con navetta Shuttle - Jungheinrich

Scaffalature usata con navetta Shuttle ( USATO )
Capienza 2300 posti pallet

Impianto per lo stoccaggio di pallet UPC, con navetta shuttle per lo stivaggio compatto in tunnel di profondità.
Questo particolare impianto permette grazie all'utilizzo di una navetta (Shuttle) e particolari a canali - permette lo sfruttamento massivo del magazzino
Il sistema di stoccaggio UPC è particolarmente indicato per il ripetuto svuotamento e riempimento nello stesso canale in piena autonomia

Radio Shuttle Racking ( second hands )
Capacity 2300 pallets

This system is like a combination of Drive-In Racking, Push-Back Racking & Pallet Live Storage. The structure is very similar to Drive-In Racking in the fact that there are no rollers / dynamic flow beds and that the pallets are stored flat, however, the forklift never enters the lane. Instead the forklift positions a 'shuttle device' at the start of the lane into a runner section that runs underneath each pallet lane. The shuttle device is programmed to either bring the pallets back to the front of the pick face (as with Push-Back) or to the rear of the system (as with Pallet Live) meaning you can have 'First In - First Out' (FI-FO) stock rotation with multiple pick faces or 'First In - Last Out' (FI-LO) stock rotation with a single pick face. The higher the throughput of the system increases the quantity of shuttle devices that you would have running at any one time.

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